Affichage des articles associés au libellé crochet

How To Wear Crochet Faux Locs

I already showed you guys how to install these luxurious CROCHET FAUX LOCSCROCHET DREADS. Pull the loop of the loc thr…

How To Reattach Dreads With Crochet Hook

You may need to retwist the base of all the dreadlocks you are working on or you may only need to work on one side or …

Animal Baby Hat Crochet Pattern Free

Cute Crochet Baby Animal Hat Free Crochet Patterns Crochet Puppy Hat Free Crochet Pattern Cr Crochet Baby Hat Patter…

How Often To Crochet Dreadlocks

Dreadlocks can be created from scratch using the crochet method or it can be done in conjunction with back combing whe…

How To Crochet Dreadlocks Step By Step

First make a loop with your yarn. Specifically ways to make the hook dread safe. 176 You Can 39 T Tell It 39 S Croch…

Crochet Goddess Faux Locs Hairstyles

5 Sleek Faux Locs Lob The sleek and silky texture of these lob length faux locs is perfect for anyone who likes their …

How To Make Crochet Goddess Locs

Crochet Goddess Faux Locs. Do you remember when we were mesmerized by the faux goddess locs on Crystal Edwards that sh…

How To Make A Crochet Hook For Dreads

First you twist a portion of your hair. It is perfect to use if you want to make some dreads for a yourself and a frie…