Affichage des articles associés au libellé faux

How To Wear Crochet Faux Locs

I already showed you guys how to install these luxurious CROCHET FAUX LOCSCROCHET DREADS. Pull the loop of the loc thr…

How Many Packs Of Crochet Hair Do I Need For Faux Locs

So depending on these factors you may need anywhere from eight to twelve packs of hair. Anyways taking into considerat…

How To Keep Your Faux Locs Fresh

Locs are a magnificent and versatile way to rock your natural hair capable of elegant updos inspirational colors and s…

How To Keep My Faux Locs From Sticking Together

Prevents dandruff and keeps your scalp healthy. Rather mix your favorite shampoo and water in a spray bottle and sprit…

How To Add Faux Locs

Individual Crochet Faux Locs Faux Locs Hairstyles Hair Braid Patterns Cool Hairstyles

How To Do Faux Locs Crochet Individuals

Also the individuals looks amazing. When wrapping dont overlap the hair as you need to have some hair peeking through …

Coffered Ceiling Using Faux Beams

Drywall pieces are cut just smaller than the opening yes this was a lot of measuring and cutting. 13 Amp Corded 7-14 i…

How Long Does It Take To Crochet Faux Locs

A crochet style can take anywhere from 2 to 6 hours depending on the style size of the head and length of the hair. Wa…